14481925_1154617331244415_622680072708200298_oI’ve been going through this Safe Place training. Safe Place is a domestic violence shelter. And just hearing people’s first hand accounts of the trauma they’ve been through and everything, it’s devastating. It’s crushing, because you’re like “How can someone do this to another human being?” And then it’s like, completely uplifting and inspiring, because this woman found the courage to get out of that situation and then also advocate her entire life for others. It’s crushing and inspiring at the same time. I feel like I have underestimated the effect it would have on me. But also, it’s all pretty new. #HumansOfWorkWell

About Humans of WorkWell

Humans of WorkWell is our take on the popular “Humans of New York” Facebook spotlight. In Humans of WorkWell we spotlight a WorkWell customer and their current journey, philosophy, mood, or general good advice for life. If you’d like to be featured in our Humans of WorkWell series contact us today.